Assuming that a character’s Recovery Rate is one Life Point per eight hours, he or she could recover three Life Points per day, as long as no strenuous activity is engaged in. A character’s Recovery Rate may also be influenced by a superior ENDURANCE score, which will be shown in the ENDURANCE description above.
EXPERIENCE Experience is a way to measure the expertise a character holds in his or her various skills. Once the character has enough experience points he or she is raised one Level. The more encounters a character faces, the more experience points a character gains. The more experience points the character earns, the higher LEVEL he or she becomes. As the character raises in levels, he or she gains LIFE POINTS (among other things), becoming stronger.
LEVEL Once a character gains enough experience points, that character advances to the next level of his or her class. With each level gained, the character increases Life Points, adds Skill Points, possibly more attacks per round, targeting adjustments, Mana Points, etc. Exactly what will be gained and which dice will need to be rolled to determine the number of points gained is dependent on the character’s species (see SPECIES section for exact listing), and chosen skills. The appropriate dice will be rolled and the resulting numbers added every time a character advances one level. Sounds complicated but it’s really very simple (the chart on page 19 should help a little).
ARMOR LEVEL Unless the character possesses a natural armor of some type, ARMOR LEVEL will depend on whether the character buys armor and what type of armor it is (see ARMOR for details). If the character has a natural armor (hide, scales, etc.) its natural rating will be added to any additional armor worn.
MANA POINTS Mana points are necessary only for characters that utilize magic to some extent or another, so if your character didn’t choose magic as a skill ignore this section. Mana points are initially based on the characters WILLPOWER score. All spells have a Mana Point value assigned to them. This value is representative of the number of MANA POINTS that must be expended in order to cast the spell once. If the magic user has enough points the spell may be cast. As the magic user rises in levels, MANA POINTS will be gained (consult MAGE section for the details).
RECOVERY RATE Once a character becomes injured or fatigued, rest is required in order to heal. Exactly how long a player character must recuperate is determined by their Recovery Rate. This number shows how quickly each species is capable of recovering lost Life Points in eight hours of rest or sleep. This number will be determined by the character’s species (see SPECIES for specifics).
TAROTS Simply put, this is how much money your character begins the game with. The chart that I have provided allows players to randomly generate their character’s wealth and also gives a clue to their character’s possible background... you will see what I mean... SEE CHART BELOW
SKILLS All characters in Lazer will possess many different skills. Which skills, and to what extent the character is proficient in them will be displayed here (see the SKILLS section for all the details). Many role playing systems on the market use a Class system, wherein your character is pigeon-holed into a particular profession i.e. Fighter, Thief, Magician, etc. Lazer doesn’t work this way...what I would like you to do is visualize what you want your character to be like and then select skills that will complete that image.